Anxiety Quiz
Keep score by answering yes or no to the following questions

Emotional Symptoms

1. Do you feel nervous and tense?
2. Do you feel like you are not as good as others?
3. Are you fearful of social situations?
4. Do you ever feel unsafe?
5. Do you have a fear of impending doom?
6. Do you have a fear of embarrassment?
7. Do you have a fear of rejection or that people won’t accept you?
8. Do you feel impatient and never have enough time?
9. Do you feel like things are never getting done well enough?
10. Are you fearful of failing?
11. Are you unable to relax?
12. Do you have anxiety attacks?
13. Do you feel panic?

Physical Symptoms

14. Do you overeat to “comfort” yourself?
15. Do you feel trembling or shaking?
16. Do you sweat for no apparent reason?
17. Do you feel chest pain or tightness
18. Do you feel a “lump” in your throat?
19. Do you feel nausea and abdominal discomfort
20. Do you hyperventilate and have difficulty breathing?
21. Do you have tight facial muscles?
22. Do you grind your teeth in your sleep?
23. Do you have neck and back aches for no apparent reason?
24. Do you have numbness in your lips, fingers or toes?
25. Do you have indigestion?

Anxiety affects 25 million Americans per year. If you answered yes to at least three of the above symptoms, then you may be experiencing some anxiety.
At Personal Fulfillments, we offer to teach you tools to deal with anxiety via our seminars and DVD series.