Depression Quiz
Keep score by answering yes or no to the following questions

Emotional Symptoms

1. Do you feel constant sadness?
2. Do you have lack of motivation?
3. Do you overeat when you are feeling down to “comfort” yourself?
4. Do you feel irritable and restless?
5. Do you have trouble concentrating?
6. Do you have difficulty making decisions?
7. Do you avoid being with family and friends?
8. Have you lost interest in your favorite activities?
9. Do you constantly worry?
10. Do you feel like you are not “as good as” others?
11. Do you feel guilty for no reason?
12. Do you cry a lot?
13. Do you feel like everything is going wrong no matter how hard you try?
14. Do you feel inadequate?
15. Do you have low-self esteem?
16. Do you feel like you let yourself or your family down?
17. Do you sometimes feel like a failure or inadequate?
18. Do you have feelings of hopelessness or helplessness?
19. Are you judgmental of yourself or others?
20. Do you feel like you don’t like yourself or others?
21. Do you put yourself down?
22. Do you feel like you don’t have control over what happens in your life?
23. Are you having a hard time getting over a loss or trauma in your life?
24. Do you feel trapped or caught and unable to change your situation?

Physical Symptoms

25. Do you have headaches, muscle aches, back and neck pain for
26. Do you feel tension in your body?
27. Do you feel drained of energy and sluggish?
28. Do you have an upset stomach for no apparent reason?
29. Do you have trouble sleeping and frequently waking up?
30. Do you oversleep and find it difficult to get out-of-bed in the morning?
31. Have you been staying home from work or school because of mood?
32. Do you have a change in appetite?
33. Have you had a weight change due to change in eating habits?

Depression affects 20 million Americans per year. It is the most common complaint today. If you answered yes to at least three of the above symptoms, then you may be experiencing some depression. At Personal Fulfillments, we offer to teach you tools to deal with sadness via our seminars and DVD series.